Jen Sherrick ( tagged me to list seven quirky things about myself...hmmm....and after looking at hers we are sooo similar, but we already knew that! So, here goes...
1. I don't buy sweets, but will make, from scratch, an entire batch of choc. chip cookies just to mainly eat the dough and get my chocolate fix and will sneak, without Liza looking, spoonfuls throughout the day.
2. I will also throw out cookie dough if I have told myself I have had enough.
3. HATE mornings, repeat HATE! And if you know me I really am not a talker in the morning, just every other time of day!
4. I keep design mags by my bed and can and will look at them multiple times over years just to get new ideas or get my juices flowing. I don;t like clutter so this is so hard to do!
5. I keep a binder of ideas for a future "dream" house, ideas I like, anything to go back to in case the moment occurs.
6. along the same lines...I always have a project or three going on at the same time and it really drives my husband nuts.
7. I hate when anyone touches my nose in any way-Allergies- I have always had them and I really cannot breathe when someone/something touches my nose!
And there you have it, I could go on, but I won't...she only said seven. Not sure if this is the top seven or not??
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
LOVE these boots!

Just look at these a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. boots from See Kai Run! Want these for Liza, but the price tag is a little salty...hummmm. WE might find a way to get them!
I haven't posted in a broken, trying to live in the moment with Liza...I will post more, promise. Just someone get these boots so I can post a pic of Liza in them!! FUN! \
love m
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
So I worked today...don't worry its never over 8 hours at a time. I can hardly call it work! :) Anyway, Aaron caught Liza sitting on a bench I have at the front window writing with what he thought was chalk, but was actually crayon...I am so proud of him taking pictures of her with cuteness only to discover he may of wanted to be doing some disciplining...") Love him! Another day in the life of Liza and her fav toy of the moment, her puzzles. I am amazed that she has mastered them in such little time. She used to get frustrated with not being able to put them back in their original spots, but she can do it now, no problem!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Rain, Rain, Rain
Just when we thought it was ok to go to the pool...sunny skies, big fluffy clouds, and a happy child we were off. After suncreening Liza up we were ready to go...and then the lifegaurd said she heard thunder and no one in the pool for thirty minutes! awwww! I was a little ticked, but we headed home begrungingly and I put the sprinkler on and she played in some sort of water! And then it rained! And she played in the rain, and so did I. I really do want Jen to take pics of Liza in the sprinkler, but something tells me I am no Jen. ( Oh well, I am capturing memories none the less. Isn't she cute in her suit and her matching bucket, and I did get the water movement, which I wanted...maybe I am some sort of photographer-a no!
So Sunday we went to Muncie to a cookout at Claudia's a friend of ours with ALS. She was pleasantly surprised by an award we helped her to get to allow her a lifetime certification for Paramedics! Yah! We were thrilled for her!
On the way there I gave Liza my cell phone to play with. I looked back in my rear view mirror and Liza was "talking" and then she would stop and laugh and then followed with talking and throwing her head back and laughing. I think I might need to stop talking on the phone so much! i hope she gets something else worthy of her mom!
See you all later. '
M and L
Sunday, June 1, 2008
So we took Liza to the zoo this weekend for the first time in her almost 21 months of life! I am feeling a bit like a slacker mom for that. She really enjoyed the penguins and the butterflys. She really didn't say much to everything else, maybe just soaking it all up! I hate my delays, it ran out of juice after the goats and that was just in the beginning. Where is Jen when you need her!? I wish I could pack her up to take with me sometimes, just for good pics of Liza. Oh if she were only mini! ha! So, we went with my brother and sister in law and my neice, Sadie, who is 5.5 months, my mom, Nana, and Aaron and I. At least Carrie is on the ball taking her younger than I took Liza. I will stop beating myself up now. I must go blog now. But here is Liza at the zoo. I had a hard time having her look at me! She did get the word Zoo down. She really loves water so of course, she also loved the water fountains in the gardens at the end. Carrie has those pics because of my stupid camera! See u soon.
love m and l
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Just Hanging Out!
Liza LOVES to be outside. In fact, she cries when she has to come in, for anything. The only thing that could leur her in is possibly a bath/shower offer....Here she is this last weekend on the front steps. She was waiting patiently for Nana, who she adores and calls mom occasionally, to come out the front door. We were working hard in the yard! She "helped" with mulching too!
See you soon!
Love M and L
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Hello my name is...
...Michelle. I am starting this blog for friends and family to be able to see the daily antics of my Liza. And I might just throw in some random nothingness. You see, my friend Jen of got me hooked on blogging. So this is my way of fullfilling some creative energy and putting it into my family. No, I am not a pro photographer so don't expect Jen's expertise and skill, but some ornryness mainly from Liza. She is a dear, most days. So look a this morning...just doing normal daily things and I turn around and see this! She does make me laugh, some days to tears! 
Got to love the Hat, and nothing else! I just love when I can get her to smile, because really that is the true Liza. Now she is playing with a wash cloth and "cleaning". Hopefully she will do the whole house! See you soon!
Love, M and L
Got to love the Hat, and nothing else! I just love when I can get her to smile, because really that is the true Liza. Now she is playing with a wash cloth and "cleaning". Hopefully she will do the whole house! See you soon!
Love, M and L
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