...Michelle. I am starting this blog for friends and family to be able to see the daily antics of my Liza. And I might just throw in some random nothingness. You see, my friend Jen of
http://www.jensherrickphotography.com/ got me hooked on blogging. So this is my way of fullfilling some creative energy and putting it into my family. No, I am not a pro photographer so don't expect Jen's expertise and skill, but some ornryness mainly from Liza. She is a dear, most days. So look a this morning...just doing normal daily things and I turn around and see this! She does make me laugh, some days to tears!

Got to love the Hat, and nothing else! I just love when I can get her to smile, because really that is the true Liza. Now she is playing with a wash cloth and "cleaning". Hopefully she will do the whole house! See you soon!
Love, M and L